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Coloring DC: Wonder Woman, by Various
Ebook Coloring DC: Wonder Woman, by Various
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Now you can color DC Comics and all of its most popular characters your way with COLORING DC: WONDER WOMAN! DC Comics presents this iconic hero in a whole new way: in black and white, on heavy stock suitable for coloring! DC's Amazon Warrior stars in a new coloring book focusing on her greatest covers, splash pages and more by some of comics' top artists!
This graphic novel features classic illustrations from some of the most well known Wonder Woman artists of all time, including George PĂ©rez, Jim Lee, Brian Bolland, Amanda Conner, Ross Andru, H.G. Peter, Cliff Chiang, Phil Jimenez and more!
- Sales Rank: #33872 in Books
- Brand: DC Comics
- Published on: 2016-07-05
- Released on: 2016-07-05
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 11.50" h x .30" w x 7.50" l, .75 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 96 pages
- DC Comics' Amazon princess stars in a new coloring book focusing on her greatest covers, splash pages, and more by some of comics' top artists!
- The Wonder Woman Coloring Book is the perfect activity for any fan of Diana Prince!
- Ages 13 and up.
Most helpful customer reviews
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
By My ARTasticSelf
I have wanted a Wonder Woman coloring book like the comics for a long time and here it is! I agree with the other review that there is a lot of pages that have Superman, Justice League, etc., however, it's a GREAT start!!! I am looking forward to coloring these pages. Jim Lee and Michael Turner are our favorite comic book artist (hubby and me) and this has more than a handful of Jim's work, along with MANY other great pieces!
This is my third DC coloring book, so far, and like the others because it's double sided, on the thinner side and I like to use markers.....I have to take it apart and scan it into my computer to re-print which pages I wish to color on the better paper. Still WELL WORTH the cost for the chance to geek out and color my comic book favs!!!!! Plus you get A LOT to color!!
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
You'll Need Your Colored Pencils For This One
By thirdtwin
Wide variety of interpretations of Wonder Woman for you to color-worth the try but loss of one star because the pictures are on both sides of the page so markers are out- and there is already some black ink filled in these pictures instead of just straight line work as it should be. Still enjoyable because of the variety of the art work but could have done without the black fill-in done for you if they had printed the pictures on one side of the paper only- you could have used your markers.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Gorgeous illustrations, but book's construction has some problems.
By Dana Hinders
I purchased this book because I'm a huge Wonder Woman fan. While the illustrations are gorgeous and the paper is of a high quality, the pages are double sided and there's no easy way to remove them from the book when you're finished coloring. Since I wanted to use markers to color my favorite Wonder Woman images, I'm a bit disappointed by this. Normally, I'd just scan double sided pages and print them out on my own paper, but the binding in this book makes it very difficult to lay flat and there are details so close to the margins that I can't get it to work at all.
However, if you love to color with colored pencils and don't want to remove the pages for display, this book would probably be well suited for your needs.
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