PDF Ebook The Raj Sextet (Complete): Six Erotic Fairytales by Kalinda L.
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The Raj Sextet (Complete): Six Erotic Fairytales by Kalinda L.
PDF Ebook The Raj Sextet (Complete): Six Erotic Fairytales by Kalinda L.
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It's the late 19th century in India. The British control much of the subcontinent. While their presence oppresses, they also bring railways and new ideas. For six Indians, each marginalized for different reasons, it's literally a time of change. Driven by their sexual needs, each character undergoes a transformation. "The Raj Sextet" combines Indian and Western myth, humour, sex, fantasy, magical realism, and accurate historical detail. It's literary porn! Suitable only for adults 18 years of age or older. Contains explicit sex scenes. Over 32,000 words long. Each of these stories is also individually available on Kindle: The Elephant of Assam; The Cobra of Pondicherry; The Tiger of Manipur; The Monkey of Mamallapuram; The Lioness of Rajasthan; and The Brahmin Bull of Bangalore.
- Sales Rank: #1822911 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-11-20
- Released on: 2015-11-20
- Format: Kindle eBook
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Charming and fun
By Sylvia McKinney
Kalinda L's "The Raj Sextet is a small masterpiece. Excessive? I'll explain. The first two stories were, for me, like any good pornography: turn-ons. It's exciting to hear the vulgar words describe the sometimes not pretty organs and hear the intensity of pleasure expressed undimmed by fancy phrases. But then something happens that I have never encountered before in what seemed like just well done porn. I was no longer excited by the words and actions but began feeling how much sexual passion meant to the characters, all of whom led unsatisfying lives that were closely connected to sex, but who in the course of each of the six tales find happiness. One young man has a huge penis, which is, after like sex itself, an embarrassment or worse, and the main characters each have their own version of that huge penis. The stories tell us how that changes. The characters find intimacy through deep sexual fulfillment and can then live happily. These fantastic tales, in which people become animals, are bathed in the teller's compassionate detachment and she(?) has what now often seems like the unusual knack of telling a good story that is also quite serious. In that she is like the great contemporary East Asian writers who somehow have kept the art of story-telling alive, an art that makes us feel life as an adventure, not a chore or a puzzle or a downer. That makes the impossible transformations of the main characters into very impressive animals feel as natural as sexual passion itself, which of course is one big thing that ties us closely to other mammals. In addition to the moving stories of the heroes and heroines, we get a portrait of a social world which loads its peculiar burdens on people longing for sexual intimacy. The stories make us care for the characters, whom we use for titillation but come to care for and so can be unashamedly happy with the happy endings, despite our era's self-protective need for irony. Oh, I guess I should also say that all six tales are great fun to read!
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
The first few pages felt like the portal to another world - the narrator really ...
By Amazon Customer
The first few pages felt like the portal to another world - the narrator really does take you to another era, to another culture. Once you enter it, there is no turning back, and you are taken on a journey into the depths of the protagonist's consciousness. I truly felt as if I was the snake making love to a human being, and I felt shattered when I was played by "Miss Rose". If you are looking for a beautiful piece of literature that can take you to unfathomable levels of arousal, I'd definitely recommend this!
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